동두천과외 ( 지행동 / 생연동 / 송내동 ) 영어과외 / 수학과외 추천!
과외하면 여기로 문의주세요~!
Tuesday.?Another letter동두천과외 ( 지행동 / 생연동 / 송내동 ) 영어과외 / 수학과외 추천!, so kind, so tender, so encouraging: would that I deserved his praises! alas! I sin even in reading them. I know that I ought to struggle more against my feelings?once I attempted it; I prayed to Heaven to support me; I put away from me everything that could recall him to my mind?for three days I would not open his letters. I could then resist no longer; and my weakness became the more confirmed from the feebleness of the struggle. I remember one day that he told us of a beautiful passage in one of the ancients, in which the bitterest curse against the wicked is, that they may see virtue, but not be able to obtain it; [Persius]?that punishment is mine!
Wednesday.?My boy has been with me: I see him now from the windows gathering the field-flowers, and running after every butterfly which comes across him. Formerly he made all my delight and occupation; now he is even dearer to me than ever; but he no longer engrosses all my thoughts. I turn over the leaves of this journal; once it noted down the little occurrences of the day; it marks nothing now but the monotony of sadness. He is not here?he cannot come. What event then could I notice?
FROM ERASMUS FALKLAND, ESQ., TO LADY EMILY M동두천과외 ( 지행동 / 생연동 / 송내동 ) 영어과외 / 수학과외 추천!ANDEVILLE.
[Most 동두천과외 ( 지행동 / 생연동 / 송내동 ) 영어과외 / 수학과외 추천!of the letters from Falkland to Lady E. Mandeville
I have thought it expedient to suppress.]