티스토리 뷰

Yes it is fine to be using multiple types of waiting, I use implicit waits 95% of the time but need to use explicit waits for some conditions. If you app is fully Angular and properly synchronizes (i.e. no outstanding $http calls - more info) you shouldn't need too many waits as Protractor tends to know when Angular/your app is ready. However I don't know your app and this could very well not be true for your case, I'll give a few thoughts on the topic:

Implicit: These are your best bet, for both consistency and stability. I would challenge you and say most of your wait problems could probably be resolved with a proper use of Implicit waits (stronger use cases, compounded across multiple conditions etc). But again, I don't know your app, I think it's worth revisiting though. You can review the list here, the ones I frequently use are presenceOf(), visibilityOf() and their counterparts stalenessOf() and invisibilityOf().

Explicit: I try very hard to avoid these, however I have found it necessary in some cases. Such as an animation occurring over a few seconds and there is nothing to track with an implicit wait. I have created a few methods of my own to try and capture these scenarios and use a more implicit wait approach, such as the one below:

// wait for an attribute to be present i.e. "ng-invalid" to be added to a class
// el = element, attr = attribute to check (i.e. class, id etc), target = attribute value to look for
Util.prototype.waitForAttributePresent = function (el, attr, target, time) {
    var timeout = time || 0;
        return browser.wait(function () {
                return el.getAttribute(attr).then(function (val) {
                            return ~val.indexOf(target) < 0;
                                        }, timeout);

Use case:

// waits 5 seconds for the elements class to contain "active"
var el = $('div');
Util.waitForAttributePresent(el, 'class', 'active', 5000);

Static: Not sure what you mean by static, that sounds the same as an explicit wait. You are stopping it for a set amount of time, not based on any conditions.


Perhaps sharing more details about why the implicit waits were not working would enable the community to help you more technically speaking.

The short answer to your question is that it is correct to use both types of waits (not sure what is the difference between "Explicit" and "Static), depending on the SUT, your goals for automation, your project priorities and your technical knowledge.

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테스트 자동화에 접근하는 순서는 다음과 같습니다.

  1. 작동하는 테스트 작성
  2. 테스트 안정화
  3. 최적화

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마지막으로, 명시 적 대기와 암시 적 대기를 혼합하지 않는 것이 좋습니다. 참조 -http://docs.seleniumhq.org/docs/04_webdriver_advanced.jsp#explicit-and-implicit-waits

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